
عرض كامل الموضوع : بانفراد تام عملاق التحميل VSO Downloader Ultimate على اكثر من سيرفر

the guide
04-13-2013, 02:16 PM
https://img14.imageshack.us/img14/5774/89811523.jpg (https://img14.imageshack.us/i/89811523.jpg/)

برنامج VSO downloader (/ الفيديوهات من جميع مواقع الفيديو على الانترنت. يعتبربرنامج
VSO downloader (/ البرامج الرائدة في تحميل او تنزيل جميع مقاطع الفيديو من اي مكان ويمكنه العثور
التلقائي على مقاطع الفيديو باستخدام تقنيات ذكية لهذا البرنامج.
برنامجVSO downloader (/ الكثير من المميزات مثل استأناف التحميل (/ تسريع
عمليه التحميل (/ التلقائي عن اي ملف فيديو في موقع الانترنت ودعم
جميع المتصفحات مثل nternet Explorer / Firefox Chrome / Opera وغيرها من مواقع الويب
ودعم ايضاً البروتوكولات مثل HTTP / HTTPS مع مميزات عديدة ورائعة وجديدة.

VSO downloader (/ a multimedia downloader (/ grab streaming videos
and audio from thousands of websites like Youtube, Metacafe, Vimeo,
Dailymotion etc. The program sits in the background and can be set to automatically
download media as you surf. VSO downloader (/ not depend on any browser,
it automatically detects when you are watching an online video and downloads it to your
hard drive. It is a simple tool that is easy to use, it automatically detects the current
video and downloads it to your hard drive. The application is entirely customizable, for
example, you can automatically download all the detected videos, launch several downloads
simultaneously, etc. Additionally, thousands of more media sources will be covered through
support for HTTP and HTTPS protocols. Files can be renamed as they are being downloaded
from remote servers, and the engine ensures the highest possible speed is achieved. If
a download stops, it can be resumed later. It supports VPNs and proxy servers too.

Costs 0$ and is 100% safe

100% Clean and free

No adware and spyware, or toolbars

Streaming detection

detects and downloads video files with any browser

no need to copy and paste urls - media is detected automatically

rename files as you are downloading

Ad Blocker

detects ads and does not download them

Extra Light

Uses the least amount of system resources possible at all times

Uses less than 5MB of memory

Only uses 2% of CPU when downloading

It does not affect you as you are using your computer at the same time.

Installation package is less than 3MB

High Speed-Download

Download accelerator engine

Robust Multithread algorithm to download the files in mulitple parts creating 1 complete quality file

Multi-protocol support

Support HTTP, HTTPS protocols

VPN & Proxy

It supports all main VPNs and proxy servers

Compatible with SOCKS5 protocols and HTTP

Resume downloads

A resume function starts the download from where it left off

When the downloading process is interrupted, you do not need to start from the beginning again.

The Ultimate (/ includes:

* RTMP support

* Works with even more sites

* Convert to high quality mp3 format

* with more features coming…

Windows XP/Vista/7/8
البرنامج شبه مجانى ( مرفق معه الباتش )
SIZE : 14 MB
تاريخ الاصدار

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