
عرض كامل الموضوع : My first time with my ex-girlfriend at school

08-25-2016, 10:24 PM
hello everyone
I would like to talk to you about my true story with my ex-girlfriend , true story.
it all started when we were at high school on the final year , after we fell in love with each other we had a big attraction to one another and we barely resist for that
And came that hot afternoon when we skipped the last course of the day and went to an empty class and started talking (regular talk) , a moment later when we were leaving for home we got close to each other and then YUP!! we kissed each other accidently lol I still remember how stupid was that kiss and how we laughed after that because it was like OUR FIRST KISS .
At night I called her and started talking about that funny short kiss we had at school and vowed to each other how sweet it was even if it was short , then we went to sleep. I can tell that I was thinking about that moment all night and how I wanted to kiss her for real and take her in my arms and feel her body touching mine.
On the day after , we met at school and the first impression she made when we met was a sexy smile , when I saw that smile , I knew that she enjoyed what we had the day before and she wants more...
On the afternoon , I asked her to skip the course like the day before and find an empty classroom to spend some time there , she agreed and so we did.
We went to an empty classroom and we started taking selfies with her phone , we were so close to each other and the hot weather of that day gave us really amusing feelings , we stopped for a moment and started staring at each other ... at that moment i told myself 'it's now or never , do it , kiss her' I went slowly towards her lips and started touching them with mines , that was good and she didn't resist, i started kissing her more and more for few minutes and she liked it , the more i kiss her the more she accepts it , i had a great feeling inside my body , i felt my penis erecting inside my short jeans and got really big!!
She saw how my penis wanted so badly to get out of that jeans and get inside her sexy body (her body makes you think she's a top model , a beauty queen) , she was kissing me and staring at my erect penis for some minutes , and when she couldn't resist , she told me that i shouldn't wait more than this , i was so happy after hearing what she told me , so i went and closed the door of the classroom and closed all the windows , and let her take off my jeans slowly slowly ... after taking it all off and took off my pants , she found out my 22 cm penis that wants so badly to enter every hole of her body , she smiled at me and told me how beautiful she found my penis and how hot it felt between her arms , i asked her for a blowjob and i was surprised when she accepted my offer without resist!!
she put her sexy pink wet lips around my penis and it was my first ever blowjob!! i felt really great , she was moving her mouth smoothly and almost took the whole of it inside it aaaahhhhhhh i felt really good !!
After few minutes , i felt that i was going to ejaculate , but i didn't want that pleasure to stop , so i stopped her from sucking it , and told her 'it's my turn now , let's see whet you've got for me' , so i took off her shirt that was already wet because of the heat of that moment , then i saw the most incredible breasts i've ever seen!!!
Roundy shaped balloons that are so perfect!!!
I started sucking them for 10 minutes and if we had time , i would've sucked them more ... then i went down and slowly took off her sexy tight jeans and found out her wet red pants , i could smell her pussy so good , which excited me so much!
i took off her pants and saw her perfect pussy for the first time ever , it was pink and recently shaved , it was perfect!
I got my tongue out and started licking her like we were professionals (we were both watching porn for a long time) and the more i lick the more she got excited ahhh ahhhhhhhhh she wanted to yell but couldn't , because we were at school and someone could've heard her , after few minutes i felt her feet vibrating and i knew that she have reached orgasm , in fact , that was her first orgasm as she told me.
When it was over , i stood and put my penis in her mouth again , and she started licking and sucking it like a fool , i think i have resisted for 5 minutes maximum and when i asked her where she wanted me to ejaculate , she told me how she wanted me so badly to cum in her mouth or in her breasts , but she was afraid that someone could notice her when we get out , so she took my penis and gave me a handjob , a few seconds later i ejaculated on the ground , i have ejaculated so hard that day , which means i really enjoyed having sex with her.
I wanted to fuck her in her pussy or in her asshole but sadly she was afraid her family would notice that. We agreed to repeat the same thing every time we had a chance , and so we did ! ... we were skipping late courses almost every day and she gave me the best blowjobs i've ever had , and i let her reach orgasm and made her so happy.
Sadly we're no longer together now , but i still remember every sensual moment i've lived with her at high school , that why they say high school days are impossible to forget .
I hope you liked my story , excuse me for language mistakes.

08-25-2016, 11:11 PM
thanks for the story
but make sure you post only in Arabic next time
many of our users don't read or even like stories written in other languages

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