
عرض كامل الموضوع : برنامج التحميل من اليوتيوب . يوتيوب داونلودر اخر اصدار مع الباتش

11-07-2015, 10:57 AM
اليوتيوب فى الفترة الاخيرة اصبح يمنع التحميل المباشر للفيديوهات حتى لو استعملت داونلود مندجر
يوتيوب داونلودر يعمل بكفائة عالية ويتميز بانة يدعم الكثير من المواقع ويمكن عمل تحويل لصيغة الفيديو ليعمل على الموبايل
/ /> / /> Youtube Downloader Pro (YTD)

All people around the world have access to watch YouTube videos whenever they want, however, YouTube has not yet given us the option to download videos from YouTube servers even though after log-in with credential info. Here comes (YTD) YouTube Downloader Pro 5 to give us the possibility to download and watch YouTube videos without Internet or WiFi. Free YouTube Downloader is a capable software and easy-to-use, simply go to YouTube to find the video we want to download, copy the video URL and paste it to the program. Then, we can download videos in FLV or MP4 and get the chance to convert YouTube videos to AVI, 3GP, DVD, WMV, MOV and MP4. YouTube Downloader Pro 4.9 is increasingly used by people due to its reliability to make such tasks easier and quicker. Additionally, it lets you download videos from the most popular type of Web sites YouTube, Facebook, Ustream.tv, Vimeo, Yahoo Video, Myspace Video. Once the list is created, the progress of each download is displayed on the main window. The user is able to delete a video from the list or add a new one.The advantage with using this program, is that it integrates the batch mode to download multiple videos from YouTube at the same time with faster connection speed. The user will have the ability to create a list of downloads and add videos. Plus, the user can set the quality of the downloaded movie by selecting any video format such as 360 p, 480 p, HD 720 p or Full HD 1080 p. The program saves all the default downloaded video clips into the FLV format and allows the user to convert video files to other formats or convert YouTube video to MP3 audio file.


Download free videos from 50+ sites
Convert Most Video Formats: mp3, mp4, wmv, flv, mov, 3gp, avi
Watch free videos later on other devices: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Samsung Galaxy, HTC, Kindle Fire, Blackberry and many others
Integrated video player to watch your videos right away
Super easy to use and fast
Download formats 1080p,720p,480p,360p,240p !
How to install?

How to do

1. Install Youtube Downloader

2. Run As Admin(Patch.exe),Press patch button

3. Done, Enjoy :).
/ /> / links

للتعارف بمدام دلوعة لعلاقة جادة 1*4*4*7*1*7*0*1*2*1*0

Hossam Kero
11-12-2015, 01:30 AM

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