
عرض كامل الموضوع : تفعيل اى نسخة ويندوز مدى الحياة 7/8/1/8.1/10

07-11-2015, 02:42 PM
/ /> RemoveWAT [Windows Activation Technologies] is the tool that has been developed specifically in order to activate any Windows version without affecting their updatability or genuinity. Thus, after activating windows with Removewat, you can update your system with no fear, unlike other activators. This is because, Removewat activates all visible system components hence, windows is activated; but doesn’t affect the system element which check for updates. Therefore, this preserves Genuine status and hence, you can obtain all the updates.

This Latest Version works for :
*Windows Vista any version
*Windows 7 any version
*Windows 8 any version
*Windows 8.1 any version
*Windows 10 Technical Preview

How to Install & Activate :
1.Temporarily disable your Anti-Virus [This is because, anti-virus doesn’t allow you to download windows or other activation tools due to changes in Registry entries which require modification for the activation]
2.Download RemoveWat HERE
[Alternative Download link (Alternative Download Link2)

-Try these Alternatives if only main link doesn’t work only above link is not working]
3.Once, finished downloading & Installing, open RemoveWat
4.Press, RemoveWAT Button

Steps :
1.Open RemoveWAT
2.Press RemoveWAT Button
3.Done. Now Reboot!!(Don’t click ‘Restore WAT’ ,close the tool & then Reboot
/ /> What is Permanent Activation?

This is not a tool which provides activation for only 30/60/90/180 days and hence, not a Trial Activator. This provides Lifetime Activation for your copy of Windows. Thus, this is a 1-click & one time Investment.

How does this helpful with Windows 10 Technical Preview?

Windows 10 Technical Preview is the successor of Windows 8.1 and it’s the latest. Previous versions of RemoveWAT was unable to activate Windows 10 Technical Preview because, its newness. But, our developers ware able to modify this to activate Windows 10 Technical Preview. Thus, you can use this. In case, we have included KMSpico support in your download.
/ /> />

استاذ نسوانجى
07-12-2015, 05:17 PM
شكرااااااااااااا شكرا

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