
عرض كامل الموضوع : اخفي و احمي فلدراتك المهمه عن لانظار بافضل برنامج Hide Folders 4.3.7

01-20-2014, 11:41 AM
Hide Folders 2012 an easy tool for hiding your sensitive information from prying. The program allows you to hide entire folders on computers running Windows. Very convenient and easy to use, simply drag a folder in the concealed window and pressing a single button. Hide Folders 2012 program was designed to help you keep your secrets secret. Below are just some of the characteristics of programs that allow it to effectively and simply solve the problem of protecting your privacy.

Features and capabilities of the program:
Effective protection methods allow you to hide files and folders from other users on Windows XP and Windows Vista, 7, 8.8.1
Hidden files and folders are available only to you and nobody else.
4 protection methods available: Hide, Lock, Hide & Lock, Read Only.
Supports all file systems: NTFS, FAT, FAT32
Supports file masks, which allow you to protect only certain types of files
Unlimited number of protected sites.
Trusted Processes, allow you to back up your files in a secure state.
The program does not modify the file system - all protection is provided in the file driver.
Password protection on startup Hide Folders 2012.
Password protection removal program Hide Folders 2012.
Removing Hide Folders 2012 manual does not lead to the disclosure of information
When you try to delete top-level folders, secure files and folders are not removed.
Multiple options to hide the traces of hidden files and the program itself.
Anti-blocking system folders.
stealth mode - driver protection is not visible in Task Manager Windows.
Data protection in security Windows.
Hot keys.
Manage the command line.
Integration with Windows
Protect folders, called on Russian and any other languages.
An intuitive and simple user interface Maskimalno supporting sobstennyh visual styles.

1.Run setup file & install it.
2.Copy crack file into install folder
3.Run .reg file

password: 3degy


01-21-2014, 05:05 PM
شكرا يا غالي

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